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Social Responsibility and Circular Economy, the Consortium guarantees manufacturing processes compatible with the ecosystem and not harmful to people.

We know how important the issue of sustainability is today and we believe in the healthy integration within the ecosystem we inhabit.
For this reason, the slow process of transformation of our leathers is carried out with only natural vegetable tannins and with total respect for nature.



1. Made in Tuscany

The Genuine Vegetable Tanned Leather Consortium is based in Tuscany, along the banks of Arno river, between Florence and Pisa. The associated tanneries operate in symbiosis with the environment thanks to a production district that is cutting-edge, both in terms of technology and organization.

2. Quality controls

By joining the Consortium, tanneries agree to undergo periodic verification of compliance with the Production Regulations. The controls are entrusted to an indipendent certification body: I.CE.C – Institute of Quality Certification for the Leather Sector.

3. Metal free

The production process of our associated tanneries is metal-free, and it always has been, thanks to the raw materials linked to the centuries-old history of vegetable tanning. Traditional and natural products are used in a production process which respects the precepts of sustainability and circularity.

4. No animal is killed for its skin

The raw hides used by our associated tanneries derive from the slaughter of cattle destined, from the outset, to the food sector and they come from European farms which comply with EU legislation on animal welfare. The associated tanneries create value from by-product of the food industry, addressing the problem of waste disposal.

5. Natural raw materials

The leather is tanned using natural plant - based tannins. As opposed to synthetic products, tannins come from renewable sources and are valued for their antioxidant, antibiotic and antibacterical properties.

6. Environmental certification

The Tuscan Tanning District is the only district in Italy certified by EMAS (Eco - Management and Audit Scheme), a tool promoted by EU to encourage the implementation of responsible environmental strategies.

7. Social Responsability

The Consortium applies the guidelines of the standard ISO 26000 and its trademark Pelle Conciata al Vegetale in Toscana puts at the center the respect for the environment and human rights, transparency and legality.

8. Compliance with the standards

The Consortium fullfils all the European and Italian norms. It constantly strives to ensure the protection of human health, the conservation of animal and plant species, the protection of the landscape and the architectural, artistic and cultural heritage of its territory.

9. Work ethic

The Consortium and all the associated tanneries ensure compliance with current regulations in the field of health, safety in the workplace, contracts and wages without discrimation of gender, ethnicity or religious belief.

10. Circular economy

The associated tanneries use centralized consortium treatment plants, controlled by competent bodies that ensure the correct treatment and purification of tanning wastewater. According to the principles of circular economy of recover - recycle - reuse, the waste from the various processing steps is turned into useful raw materials for other supply chains.

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